As an Internet marketer, you should know how to drive targeted traffic to your website. Lots of marketers either are not getting any, or much, traffic or their traffic is not targeted well enough - either situation is not desirable. Fact: Millions of marketers are attracted to the idea of using search engines as a source of high quality traffic. It's a worthwhile endeavor to shoot for whatever your keyword phrases are and try to rank highly. Seriously, there is no reason why you should not give it a shot - nothing really to lose, either. Yes, you have to learn about on/off page optimization, backlinking and other things - but that is not hard to do. Does it work? You should know better than to ask that because there are many businesses whose only source of traffic (and income) is from search engines. It's not hard, but it's not easy either; and you will need to be patient and willing to do what is necessary to succeed. Naturally keywords are extremely important because they are not all created equal. If you persist in your efforts, then it's completely possible that you will never have to buy advertising again. What is so attractive about search traffic is that if you play your cards right, you can be set for a very long time.
Press releases have long been known to be able to generate highly targeted traffic when they are written properly. Actually, for many years the more savvy and experienced marketer has been quietly using this method to send traffic to newly released websites or products. There are a number of press release distribution services on the Internet that can do wonders as far as your promotion goes. There are a lot of distribution websites that will review your site for correct PR format as well as to see if you're just promoting your site or have actual news about your business. People in your target market will notice your press release, and the expected result from that is to produce traffic.
Last but not the least; as an Internet marketer, you should do regular surveys with your visitors and as well as your subscribers/customer. Surveys have the potential to allow you to do more precise marketing, and you may even get a jump on things that are just beginning to happen. The quality of your survey results will depend to a large extent on the questions you ask and how you word them. is a site you can get traffic from.
In conclusion, you can go far in internet marketing if you keep these tips in mind with everything you do.