Tuesday, July 31, 2012

How CEO Sleepout Helps The Needy

Where We Helped In 2011

The $4.2 million raised nationally by participants and supporters of the 2011 Vinnies CEO Sleepout has already directly assisted people experiencing homelessness. The money has funded new projects, assisted with the provision of existing homeless services and allowed Vinnies homeless services to expand their programs.

These initiatives reflect Vinnies’ determination to provide real alternatives to homelessness and to truly offer a hand up, not only a hand out.

ACT – $439,698

Funded ongoing provision for a 12 bedroom house that offers affordable accommodation for older women experiencing homelessness
Ongoing support in providing accommodation for people who are homeless or in danger of becoming homeless
Ongoing accommodation and support of Kennedy House a 40 bed facility for single men
Funding of several vocational education programs such as tertiary education, employment skills, hospitality training, art, and computer literacy
Subsidising travel costs for homeless people in regional areas enabling them to travel to Canberra for medical appointments

NSW – $1,524,796

$146,000 of donations - funding of educational programs including literacy, numeracy and fitness at the Ozanam Learning Centre in Sydney, an education and recreation centre that works with the homeless community to give them options for a better future.
Ongoing support of $310,000 for outreach services to assist clients in the community including counselling and material aid packages for homeless families.
$230,000 in funding of 9 crisis accommodation places for women escaping domestic violence
$210,000 in funding of 30 previously unfunded crisis accommodation beds at Matthew Talbot Hostel
$30,000 to assist funding the establishment of a Night Patrol service in the Wollongong area, providing nightly meals to those sleeping rough in the area.
Ongoing provision of the Matthew Talbot food program that provides 3 hot meals a day to the homeless community at a cost of over $320,000 per year.
Over $90,000 in funding of clinic services at Matthew Talbot Hostel including a smoking cessation program and a clinic for disease prevention.
$90,000 in support of continuing programs at Cardinal Freeman Centre, a transitional accommodation centre in Western Sydney, actively educating men aged over 19 in their Beyond Link, a TAFE program in life and vocational skills.
Therapeutic and counselling funding of $69,000 at Freeman House, a regional drug and alcohol rehabilitation service in Armidale.

NT – $97,142

Ongoing provision of meals for homeless people by the SOS mobile food vans
Ongoing support of affordable transitional housing units of Vincentcare Housing at the Coconut Grove site.
Assist with the establishment of Rendu Park, a supported accommodation facility for people transitioning from rehabilitation programs back into mainstream living

QLD – $548,666

Funded the ongoing provision of 112 affordable or support housing accommodations available for people who are homeless or in danger of becoming homeless this Christmas
Assisted in the provision of over 100 new homes in areas of real need in greater Brisbane and Regional Queensland
Helped fund the Social Housing Program which compliments the Families Back on Track facility opened earlier this year on the Gold Coast. This facility accommodates single parents with children, with all 27 supported living units now occupied and the first baby born to a resident this year

SA – $302,160

Homeless mentoring – a new program to provide pathways to employment for selected homeless people
Refugees – providing housing support, for new arrivals fleeing dangerous situations, through our migrant & refugee service
Households in crisis – extending our existing home visitation program to provide higher level support for households with challenging financial circumstances at the risk of homelessness

TAS – $168,284

Specialist services at Bethlehem House to provide high caliber therapeutic counseling to clients to address the issues that significantly contribute to their repeated experiences of homelessness
Support of Loui’s Van covering Southern Tasmania, providing nightly meals and blankets to those sleeping rough
Support of people experiencing homelessness in Launceston by providing emergency accommodation at Marillac House
Funding of rent arrears in regional areas to avoid eviction and potential homelessness

VIC – $548,679

Funded the ongoing provision of meals through the Ozanam Meal Service comprising Ozanam House and Ozanam Community Centre which provide on average 140 lunchtime meals per day to people who are homeless.
Assisted Ozanam Community Centre and Ozanam House to continue to provide hot showers, access to clean clothing and blankets and medical, dental and eye care treatment
Helped the centres continue to provide mental health outreach, housing information and referral, alcohol and drug programs, client volunteer programs, women’s services, general support and educational activities

WA – $615,644

Allocation of funds for the Passages Resource Centre education and training program to assist street present young people in gaining the necessary skills to obtain employment
Allocation of funds for the acquisition of smart-riders for Passages Resource Centre clients
Provision of funds to purchase a property in Mandurah to grow the Passages Resource Centre service to the Peel region
Rental of three properties within the Swan region as short term accommodation for homeless people including those at risk of becoming homeless
Ongoing accommodation and support of homeless people and those at risk of becoming homeless

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